| Preis Discus Minerals supplement osmosis water and soft tap water with the required amount of trace elements and minerals to osmosis water. They thus help avoid conditions resulting from insufficient concentrations of these substances, such as fungus-stricken eggs, crippled offspring and darkened colors of your aquarium dwellers. Preis Discus Minerals provide an easy professional remedy to mineral deficiencies.
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 | Easy-Life Fluid Filter Medium is the most versatile water treatment product on the market. It can be used to make water crystal clear. It is used for water preparation, as well as a maintenance product, a stimulator (e.g.
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 | Easy-Life Catappa-X is a liquid catappa leaves concentrate for fish and shrimps in fresh water aquaria. Leaves from the Catappa tree are known for their healing effect on fish and shrimp: they lower germ density (less pathogens), prevent fungal infections, improve growth, prevent problems with the slime coat and situmlate the vitality and colouring of shrimp and fish. The disadvantage is often that these leaves turn the water brown and bring additional organic impurities.
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 | Preis Carely (formerly Coly) is an ideal care product for all ornamental fish, especially Discus, Malawi-Tanganyika perch, new fish to the aquarium and imports. Preis Carely cleans the gills and intestinal tract intensively. With ist combination of active substances, this product guarantees the ideal care for your aquarium fish.
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 | Tetra AquaSafe is a water conditioner that immediately transforms aggressive tap water into near-natural aquarium water suitable for fish -a now new with BioExtract for healthy and clear water.
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 | sera aquatan clarifies the water, binds heavy metals and neutralizes chlorine. It protects the mucous membrane of the fish by the valuable Vitamin b complex as well as skin protection colloids. sera aquatan is ideal to the stress reduction during the feed and using the fish.
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 | hw ReMineral is an optimized combination of mineral salts, carbonate hardness, and overall hardness components, which are based on the natural model of most of the tropical waters. Hw-ReMineral® is extremely pure, absolutely free of phosphates and nitrites, and ensures that no undesired byproducts reach the aquarium water. The use of hw ReMineral not only enriches water with minerals but at the same time also raises the carbonate hardness and overall hardness and thereby increases the buffer capacity of the aquarium water.
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 | serabio nitrivec is a liquid filter media with a special mixture of different high quality purification bacteria for aquarium water. sera bio nitrivec prevents the enrichment of ammonia and nitrite. When using sera bio nitrivec fish can already be added after 24 hours.
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 | Seachem Prime is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and saltwater. Seachem Prime removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia. Prime converts ammonia into a safe, non-toxic form that is readily removed by the tanks biofilter.
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 | PREIS Fish-V-Power is a natural multi-energizer for resitant, healthy fresh- and the seawater fish in aquariums.To be used regularly, as a treatment, after any disease, or after having purchased livestock or else, to help the young fish to thrive. Besides amino acids such as omega-3 fatty acids, this new top product contains valuable ingredients, such as ginseng, propolis, ginger and ginkgo, as well as a special selection of high-quality fish oils composed of a high percentage of unsaturated fatty- acids.
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 | Seachem Stability will rapidly and safely establish the aquarium biofilter in freshwater and marine systems, thereby preventing the No.1 cause of fish death: "new tank syndrome". Seachem Stability is formulated specifically for the aquarium and contains a synergistic blend of aerobic, anaerobic, and facultative bacteria which facilitate the breakdown of waste organics, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. The bacteria employed by Stability are non-sulfur fixing and will not produce toxic hydrogen sulfide.
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 | Microbe-Lift Special Blend is a complete eco-system in a bottle. For the use in Salt and Fresh water.
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 | Microbe-Lift TheraP provides a natural aquarium ecosystem, for better overall fish health and improved water quality. For the use in fresh and salt water.
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 | Microbe-Lift Gravel & Substrate Cleaner biologically degrades bottom organic sludge and muck with minimal disturbance, reducing or eliminating the potential harmful gaseous compounds, and helps to clarify your aquarium water at the same time.
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 | Microbe-Lift Nite-Out II is specially Formulated for Rapid Ammonia and Nitrite Reduction in fresh and slat water aquaria. Microbe-Lift Nite-Out II is designed specifically for aquarium waters that contain marine life. Its highly-specialized microbial consortium of nitrifying cultures are specially formulated to eliminate ammonia via a natural biological process termed nitrification.
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 | Easy-Life AquaMaker makes aggressive tap water immediately suitable for all freshwater and marine aquariums. Easy-Life AquaMaker can also be used in reef aquariums and garden ponds. It is absolutely safe for all fish, plants, corals, shrimps, snails and the biological filter.
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 | Tropic Marin Elimi-Phos rapid removes extremely rapid and highly-effective increased phosphate contents in fresh and marine water aquaria. Excessive concentrations of phosphates in the water can lead to strong alage growth and a reduction in the growth of corals and aquatic plants. This is why it is important to monitor the phosphate concentration in an aquarium regularly and maintain the level in the optimum range for the organisms in question (freshwater: .
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 | Seachem Pristine uses bio-augmentation, a non-chemical and natural method, to improve water quality. It provides bacteria that break down excess food, waste and detritus in freshwater and marine systems. It will also reduce excess nutrients (e.g.
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 | Mineral as well as dead organic material may lead to cloudiness. The latter may additionally raise the phosphate level in water and thus support algae growth. sera phosvec-clear immediately binds the cloudiness and makes it collectable for the filter.
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 | sera KH/pH-plus precisely and lastingly raises the KH to the desired value. The pH value is gently raised as well and, above all, safely stabilized. The carbonate hardness (KH) is one of the most important water parameters in an aquarium.
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 | Some fish species (e.g. discus and angelfish) are adapted to very soft water and require these conditions in particular for reproducing. However, the water can provide too high carbonate hardness (KH), or the pH may have risen too strongly due to natural metabolism processes, also when keeping other fish species.
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 | hw Tracevit is a trace element solution for fresh water aqauria. Trace elements are indispensable for the growth and metabolism of plants, animals and humans, although they must be present only in small concentrations. The necessary trace elements are normally not contained in tap water and are missing completely in conditioned (softened) water.
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 | hw Multivit is a multi-vitamin-complex for fish. Hw multivit contains all the vitamins vital to life for ornamental fish in a balanced quantity. It boosts their natural resistance to disease, well-being, colourful splendour and willingness to spawn.
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 | Tetra ToruMin creates natural black water. It consists of natural peat extracts bioactive substances enhance the fish's natural colouring and promote species-typical behaviour. ToruMin facilitates the breeding and care of sensitive and valuable ornamental fish species from typical tropical waters (black water).
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![Tetra Vital Tetra Vital]() | Tetra Vital promotes vitality, well-being and the exotic natural colouring of fish. Tetra Vital creates a species-typical biological balance and a natural environment. Vitality and well-being are strengthened by naturally active B vitamins and the trace element iodine (important in combating iodine deficiencies).
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![Sera mineral salt Sera mineral salt]() | sera mineral salt for the increasing of water hardness in osmose water, pouring, and soft water. The essential minerals are often insufficiently present in the confined aquarium environment. Fish take up a part of these important substances not with their food but directly through the water.
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![sera O2 plus sera O2 plus]() | sera O2 plus - simply sprinkled into the aquarium water - immediately adds oxygen and thus improves the living conditions for all aquarium inhabitants. The breath of the aquarium inhabitants as well as other natural breakdown processes constantly consume oxygen. Certain circumstances may lead to acute deficiencies.
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![sera GH/KH-plus sera GH/KH-plus]() | sera GH/KH-plus simultaneously increases the carbonate and total hardness in the warm water aquarium. This way osmosis water or soft tap water can be specifically hardened or the natural consumption of the hardening agents can be balanced. In addition, the values for the care of hardness loving fish species can be adjusted.
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![sera toxivec sera toxivec]() | sera toxivec contains the innovative QuickClean Formula and immediately removes dangerous pollutants threatening fish and filter bacteria from the aquarium water. The parallel efficacy against different kinds of pollutants makes it especially valuable. The quick effect of sera toxivec removes ammonium and nitrite in no time.
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![JBL pH-Plus (Aquakal) JBL pH-Plus (Aquakal)]() | JBL pH-Plus (formerly Aquakal) for use in fresh and marine water. Mode of action in freshwater: Narural pH-increase by increasing the carbonate hardness (KH). In excessively soft water the carbonate hardness may be raised to nay desired level by adding multiple doses of JBL pH-Plus.
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![JBL Detoxol JBL Detoxol]() | By adding JBL Detoxol, toxins in aquarium water such as ammonia, nitrite, chlorine and chloramine are safely and quickly neutralized within 10 minutes and are therefore no longer hazardous. The use of JBL Detoxol is simple and safe.
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![JBL Denitrol JBL Denitrol]() | Your aquarium needs JBL Denitrol, because the beneficial cleansing bacteria contained in JBL Denitrol clean the aquarium water by biological means and rapidly break down pollutants. Especially in newly set up aquariums, the result is the best possible healthy aquarium water within a short space of time.
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![JBL Clearol JBL Clearol]() | JBL Clearol removes microscopic clouding which normal aquarium filters tail to take out, such as suspended particles water bloom, bacterial contamination etc. Add the required quantity of JBL Clearol to the aquarium water at a spot with adequate water movement. The clouding material coagulates into larger globules and sinks to the bottom.
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![JBL Clynol JBL Clynol]() | JBL Clynol cleans and clarifies aquarium water naturally. Micro-fine, natural minerals spread throughout the wate, absorbing a wide range of undesirable materials, discolouration, particles and bacteria through their special surface structure. Binds also heavy metals, ammonium, proteins, odours and many other undesirable substances.
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![JBL Biotopol JBL Biotopol]() | JBL Biotopol quickly converts tap water to healthy aquarium water. Toxic heavy metals like copper, lead, zink etc. are permanently neutralised.
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![JBL Tropol JBL Tropol]() | JBL Tropol quickly converts aquarium water to tropical water with the typical properties of black water. The combined effect of peat + oak + iodine makes fish feel as if they were in their natural habitat. JBL Tropol promotes the health of the fish through the humic substances of peat and the tannin of oak bark.
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![JBL pH-Minus JBL pH-Minus]() | The best possible pH value for keeping most freshwater fish and plantes is the neutral range around 7. JBL pH-Minus lowers excessively high pH values in your aquarium and promotes fish health via added natural oak extract. JBL pH-Minus is phosphate free.
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![JBL Acclimol JBL Acclimol]() | Valuable vitamins and vegetable extracts in JBL Acclimol help to acclimatize aquarium fish to their new environment without stress and problems. JBL Acclimol provides the aquarium water with beneficial plant extracts and other natural ingredients. Reducing stress from catching and handling when new fish are added.
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![JBL Biotopol C JBL Biotopol C]() | JBL Biotopol C is a water conditioner especially for crustacea and shrimps. Your crustacea and shrimp need JBL Biotopol C because JBL Biotopol C instantly converts aggressive tap water into the right aquarium water for these species permanently. Only in this way will shrimp, crustacea and plants feel as at home in your aquarium as they would in nature.
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![JBL PhosEx rapid JBL PhosEx rapid]() | JBL PhosEx rapid removes the algae nutrient, phosphate from the aquarium water. An iron compount, not harmful to fish, invertebrates and plants, reliably and permanently absorbs phosphates dissolved in the water, preventing the undesirable growth of algae. The effect is made visible by initial brown clouding which disappears after 2-2 hours.
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![Prodibio Bio Digest Prodibio Bio Digest]() | Prodibio Bio Digest is a high biotechnology product with an extreme concentration. This allows its presentation in ampoule under Nitrogen 30 billion bacteria by bulbs and a very long conservation isolated of the oxygen by avoiding thus bacterial product disadvantages in bottle which degrade as soon as you open them or freeze-dried bacteria which remain dormant. This presentation is very economic because 100% the product is efficient whenever needed.
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![Prodibio Stop Ammo Prodibio Stop Ammo]() | Prodibio Stop Ammo is made from natural plant extracts and neutralises ammonium in the aquarium, breeding and transport water, reduces stress, prevents damage caused to gills and limits the production of nitrites. Ammonium is very toxic in an aquarium, especially when the pH level exceeds 7.5. It is the cause of nitrite surges and the cause of stress, immunity deficiency and damage to the gills.
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![Prodibio Bio Vert Prodibio Bio Vert]() | Prodibio Bio Vert provides all the trace elements your plants need for strong and healthy growth, including directly assimilable iron. To sustain healthy plant growth, your aquarium must offer a number of trace elements, including potassium, sulphur, manganese and, above all, iron. These elements are constantly replenished by the currents in a natural environment, but they are rapidly depleted in an aquarium.
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![Tropic Marin PotassiumTropic Marin Pro-Coral Potassium Tropic Marin PotassiumTropic Marin Pro-Coral Potassium]() | Tropic Marin Pro-Coral Potassium is a solution for the Potassium supplement for aquaria. Potassium is an essential main nutrient for all organisms. In seawater the natural potassium concentration is ca.
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![Tropic Marin NP-Bacto-Balance Tropic Marin NP-Bacto-Balance]() | Tropic Marin NP-Bacto-Balance is a mixture of selected organic compounds to promote the incorporation of nitrate and phosphate in supplementary biomass. The ratio of nutrients is ideal for corals, sponges and other invertebrate animals found in reef aquariums when nitrates and phosphates are maintained at the lowest possible levels while maintaining the important balance between these key nutrients.
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![Tropic Marin Elimi-NP Tropic Marin Elimi-NP]() | Tropic Marin Elimi-NP is a liquid carbon dosing concentrate for nutrient reduction for advanced reef aquarists. The nutrient conditions for the lower animals in the reef aquarium (corals, sponges, and others) are ideal, if nitrate and phosphate are present in the lowest concentrations. Tropic Marin Elimi-NP is concentrated organic carbon for the effective and efficient reduction of nitrate and phosphate in reef aquariums through the introduction of these compounds into additional biomass.
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![Tropic Marin Plus-NP Tropic Marin Plus-NP]() | Tropic Marin Plus-NP is a liquid concentrate for supplying important nutrients for corals. In order to thrive, corals require certain minimum concentrations of phosphates and nitrogen compounds for their metabolism and the metabolism of their zooxanthellae. Aquariums that are very low in nutrients (ULNS = ultra low nutrient system) are particularly prone to a lack of these compounds.
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![Microbe-Lift Gel Filter Microbe-Lift Gel Filter]() | Microbe-Lift Gel Filter will quickly attach to and populate all brands of filter cartridges and all styles of media including foam, floss, bio-balls, ceramic media, etc. This will help rapidly establish the necessary biological activity in your filter to stabilize your aquarium's environment quickly. It will also help to restore the activity to your filter when you clean or change the media and when you replace your filter cartridge.
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![Microbe-Lift Aqua Balance Microbe-Lift Aqua Balance]() | Microbe-Lift Aqua Balance is a specially developed spore-based bacteria mixture that accelerates and perfects nitrate degradation in any marine or freshwater aquarium. Microbe-Lift Aqua Balance ensures that organic contamination as well as food and plant residues are effectively broken down, while improving denitrification (NO3 nitrate -> N2 nitrogen) in the aquarium.
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![Microbe-Lift Aqua-Pure Microbe-Lift Aqua-Pure]() | Microbe-Lift Aqua-Pure is a specially formulated blend of beneficial bacterial cultures and 100% natural adsorbent media - these biological agents providing clean water and improved water quality in any marine or freshwater aquarium. Microbe-Lift Aqua-Pure removes nitrates over the long term, breaks down organic waste, neutralises heavy metals, prevents algae problems, enables crystal clear water and protects your aquarium inhabitants.
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![Microbe-Lift Xtreme Microbe-Lift Xtreme]() | Microbe-Lift Xtreme a specially formulated water conditioner for ideal use in any marine or freshwater aquarium. Microbe-Lift Xtreme makes tap water safe & suitable for fish and prevents dangerous increases in ammonium/ammonia and nitrite, removes chlorine/chloramines as well as heavy metals. It also protects the mucous membrane and gills of your fish.
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![PREIS Mineral Salt PREIS Mineral Salt]() | PREIS Mineral Salt is a mixture of all components present in sea salt, such as minerals, trace elements, and vitamins, but free of sodium chloride (common salt). Sodium chloride is the major component of sea salt and increases the conductivity of water considerably. With PREIS Mineral Salt you can finally prepare your osmosis water or soft tap water in such a way that you obtain a precisely adjusted, mineral-rich water for replacing evaporated aquarium water or for the addition of sea salt.
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![Dennerle Catappa Leaves Dennerle Catappa Leaves]() | Dennerle Catappa Leaves are mature, dried leaves of the tropical almond tree Terminalia catappa. The leaves are regarded as one of the recipes for success of Asian fish breeders and exporters. They contain numerous natural active substances which have beneficial effects on water and fish.
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![Dennerle Betta Care Dennerle Betta Care]() | Betta splendens, also known as the Siamese fighting fish, is undoubtedly one of the most fascinating fish in the aquarium hobby. Its vibrant colours and unique behaviour are sure to attract attention. However, due to their aggressive nature, they must be kept alone and cannot be socialised with other fish.
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![Dennerle Black Cones Dennerle Black Cones]() | Dennerle Black Cones are dried cones of the black alder. The mature, dried cones of the black alder, Alnus glutinosa, contain vaulable humic and tanning substances which protect and benefit aquarium fish by natural means. Ideal for fish from tropical black water regions, wuch as discus, neons, scalares, dwarf cichlids, long-whiskering catfish, etc.
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![Dennerle Osmose ReMineral+ Dennerle Osmose ReMineral+]() | Dennerle ReMineral+ enriches osmosis water with all the important minerals which are required in an aquarium. This carefully balanced multi-mineral product is based on the natural composition of tropical waters. Total and carbonate hardness elements stabilise the pH value.
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![Dennerle Aqua Elixier Dennerle Aqua Elixier]() | Dennerle Aqua Elixier renders critical substances in tap water harmless and adds active substances.
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![Dennerle Humin Elixier Dennerle Humin Elixier]() | Dennerle Humin Elixier is an water conditioner with extracts of oak bark, alder cones and catappa leaf. Dennerle Humin Elixier makes it especially easy to acclimatise and care for all fish from black water regions, such as discus, neons, scalars, dwarf cichlids and long-whiskered catfish. The water conditions like those in nature reduce stress.
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![Dennerle Vital Elixier Dennerle Vital Elixier]() | Dennerle Vital Elixier provides all fish, shrimps, crayfish and other freshwater aquarium inhabitants with a targeted supply of essential minerals, which are not found in tap water or become depleted in the aquarium. It contains all the physiologically relevant trace elements in an optimum combination and concentration, for example, magnesium, iron, manganese, sodium, potassium, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt and lithium. Dennerle Vital Elixier provides the "lubricant" for a healthy metabolism.
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![Dennerle KH+ Elixier Dennerle KH+ Elixier]() | Dennerle KH+ Elixier is a liquid water hardener for rapid and easily setting of the ideal carbonate hardness of the aquarium water. The carbonate hardness forms the crucial buffer system in an aquarium. It prevents excessive variations in the pH value, which would have adverse effects on fish and plants.
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![Dennerle Clear Water Elixier Dennerle Clear Water Elixier]() | Dennerle Clear Water Elixier is a liquid filter medium for a quick, long-lasting improvement of the aquarium water quality. Dennerle Clear Water Elixier affects the aquarium like a cleansing summer rain shower affects the natural world. The mineral particles remove the finest impurities, colours, unpleasant smells, ammonium, heavy metals, medication residues and other harmful substances from the water like little magnets.
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![Dennerle Bacto Elixier FB7 Dennerle Bacto Elixier FB7]() | Dennerle Bacto Elixier FB7 BiActive is a highly active, concentrated mixture of selected living cleaning bacteria. They set to work degrading harmful substances immediately on entering the aquarium water. Efficient nitrifying bacteria remove dangerous ammonia and nitrite.
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![Dennerle Aquarium Starter Rapid Dennerle Aquarium Starter Rapid]() | Dennerle Aquarium Starter Rapid is a highly effective product for a rapid, safe start for newly established aquaria. It is made up of two components:1. Living filter bacteria - they settle on filter material and gravel and instantly begin breaking down pollutants.
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![Dennerle All in One! Elixier Dennerle All in One! Elixier]() | Dennerle All in One! Elixir is the new and comprehensive simple care for a beautiful aquarium in which fish, shrimps and plants feel at home. Ideal for an easy entry into what is probably the most beautiful hobby in the world. Dennerle All in One! Elixir is water care, plant care and carbon supply in one and has 12 coordinated active complexes.
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![Tetra Easy Balance Tetra Easy Balance]() | Tetra Easy Balance creates a healthy biotope for fish and plants in the fresh water aquarium during one period of 6 months. The pH and KH - value is stabilized and the dangerous acid fall thereby is effectively prevented. The water valuable trace elements are added, phosphate is reduced.
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![Tetra NitrateMinus Tetra NitrateMinus]() | Tetra NitrateMinus keeps nitrate levels in your aquarium low for 12 months. It improves the water quality long-term and helps control algae, thus reducing additional maintenance work and helping to keep your aquarium in top condition. NitrateMinus consists of granules that remove nitrate in a natural, biological process.
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![Tetra NitrateMinus Pearls Tetra NitrateMinus Pearls]() | Tetra NitrateMinus Pearls for the permanent reduction of nitrate content when setting up a new aquarium. It removes an important algae nutrient, leading to a long-term improvement of the water quality, reducing care requirements.
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![Tetra CrystalWater Tetra CrystalWater]() | Tetra CrystalWater quickly clears aquarium water of all kinds of clouding. Floating, clouding particles are bound and subsequently filtered out of the water by the aquarium filter. Tetra CrystalWater can be applied with all carbonate hardness values, even with low carbonate hardness values.
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![Tetra SafeStart Tetra SafeStart]() | Tetra SafeStart creates a biologically active environment to allow the fast introduction of fish into a newly set up aquarium.
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![Tetra Filter Active Tetra Filter Active]() | Tetra FilterActive adds highly effective live bacteria and thus promotes permanent biological activity in the aquarium.
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![Tetra Phosphate Minus Tetra Phosphate Minus]() | Tetra Phosphate Minus reliably and naturally reduces high phosphate levels (PO4) in the aquarium to prevent unwanted algae growth. Tetra Phosphate Minus acts reliably against acute phosphate problems and is well tolerated by all aquarium inhabitants and plants. The product is decomposed by microorganisms in the aquarium.
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![Easy-Life Maxicoral A Easy-Life Maxicoral A]() | Esay-Life Maxicoral A is the extra complete mineral blend for vibrant and healthy corals. It contains a strontium-barium complex to care for the corals. Easy-Life Maxicoral A also contains Mg, Mn, Fe, Mo, Li, Rb, Cr, Co, Se, Cu, Zn, Ni and Sn.
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![Easy-Life Maxicoral B Easy-Life Maxicoral B]() | Easy-Life Maxicoral B is a fluorine-iodine blend for vibrant and colourful corals. Maxicoral B also contains bromine, potassium and boron.The product is multiple stabilized. Use with Maxicoral A.
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![Easy-Life Strontium Easy-Life Strontium]() | Easy-Life Strontium is a strong and concentrated strontium source for vibrant and healthy corals. The product is multiple stabilized.
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![Easy-Life Easystart (Aquastart) Easy-Life Easystart (Aquastart)]() | Easy-Life Easystart (Aquastart) contains highly active bacteria cultures which will quickly give aquariums and filters a boost. The unique bacteria carrier ensures an accelerated increase in useful bacteria, helping to combat the actions of harmful bacteria as well as cleaning the water of heavy metals and other chemical pollutants. The result of the application of Easy-Life Easystart (Aquastart) is a healthy aquarium with lively and brightly coloured fish.
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![Dennerle Shrimp King Bee Salt GH+ Dennerle Shrimp King Bee Salt GH+]() | Dennerle Shrimp King Bee Salt GH+ is a hardening salt specially developed for all species that require soft, slightly acidic water, such as crystal red and bumblebee shrimp.
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![sera Alder cones sera Alder cones]() | The sera alder cones prevent fungal infections and spawn fungus in a natural way. Additionally, they support natural behavior and readiness to spawn, and they lower the pH value of the water. Alder cones are suitable for preparing black water, which ideally recreates the natural living conditions and thus allows for appropriate care.
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![sera Catappa Leaves -Tropical almond leaves- sera Catappa Leaves -Tropical almond leaves-]() | The sera Catappa Leaves allow conditioning the water as in natural biotopes. The tropical almond leaves support natural behavior and readiness to spawn in ornamental fish and shrimps. Furthermore they prevent bacterial and fungal infections.
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![Tropic Marin Pro-Discus Mineral Tropic Marin Pro-Discus Mineral]() | The balanced mixture if active substances and trace elements in the Tropic Marin Pro-Discus Mineral (formaly Diskus-Salt) improves the supply of necessary minerals. With young fish and brood stock it enhances the resistance against disease and damage to the skeletal structure and generally improves the willingness to spawn. For regeneration of reverse osmosis water or for direct addition in the aquarium.
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![Tropic Marin Carbocalcium Tropic Marin Carbocalcium]() | Tropic Marin Carbocalcium is ultra concentrated calcium and carbonate hardness for advanced reef aquarists. With Tropic Marin Carbocalcium, the total calcium and carbonate hardness needs of a typical reef aquarium can be covered with a single solution, without any additional unwanted compounds or excess carbon dioxide being created. Minerals are consumed through the growth of organisms and other processes in the aquarium and must therefore be supplemented regularly.
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![Tropic Marin Carbocalcium Powder Tropic Marin Carbocalcium Powder]() | Tropic Marin Carbocalcium Powder is highly concentrated calcium and alkalinity for dissolving in reverse osmosis water to get the proven CARBOCALCIUM solution. After dissolving, one single solution can cover all the calcium and carbonate hardness requirements of a typical reef aquarium without undesirable additional compounds or excess carbon dioxide being produced. This ensures strong growth of corals, coralline algae and other reef organisms.
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![Tropic Marin Nitribiotic Tropic Marin Nitribiotic]() | Tropic Marin Nitribiotic is a combination of probiotic and nitrifying bacteria in one preparation which strengthens the defences of the immune system of fish and shrimps and improves the water quality. The nitrifying bacteria efficiently start the nitrification process, i.e. the process of breaking toxic ammonia down into non-toxic nitrate.
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![Tropic Marin All-For-Reef Powder Tropic Marin All-For-Reef Powder]() | Tropic Marin All-For-Reef Powder is an ultra-concentrated mineral blend, with which an easy-to-use, highly concentrated all-round solution for supplying all key minerals and trace elements in newly established and averaged reef aquariums is available after being dissolved in reverse osmosis water. Through the growth of organisms and other processes in the aquarium, minerals are consumed and must therefore be supplemented regularly.
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![Tropic Marin Pro-Tect Tropic Marin Pro-Tect]() | Tropic Marin Pro-Tect improves water quality in marine aquariums by including a combination of highly effective active compounds. It contains protective colloids that safeguard the sensitive mucous membranes of the fish and promote the regeneration of ist protective coating. Additionally, Tropic Marin Pro-Tect aids in the stabilization of the waters pH contributing to a healthier environment for the aquariums animals.
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![Microbe-Lift All-In-One Microbe-Lift All-In-One]() | Microbe-Lift All-In-One is a specially developed mix of trace elements that guarantees optimal growth and feed for corals. Microbe-Lift All-In-One ensures a magnificent polyp display, more intense colours as well as improved vitality of your corals. The work required to care for a saltwater aquarium is reduced to a minimum.
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![JBL ProClean Bac JBL ProClean Bac]() | JBL ProClean Bac contains live cleansing bacteria for immediate aid of aquarium pollutant problems. The beneficial bacteria remove toxins such as ammonium, ammonia and nitrite. During the start-up phase, the filter becomes biologically active faster, the aqaurium water quickly becomes clear and clean.
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![JBL FilterStart JBL FilterStart]() | JBL FilterStart with 15,000,000 living cleansing bacteria make the filter of your aquarium biologically active. You will have clean water and healthy fish by the rapid break down of toxic ammonia and nitrite in the filter. Package content is sufficient for approx.
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![JBL FilterBoost JBL FilterBoost]() | JBL FilterBoost are specially cultured bacteria for the effective breakdown of organic matter in the filter. Reliably prevents the filter material becoming prematurely clogged with slime and other organic deposits and prolongs service life. The important pollutant-destroying bacteria are able to work longer at maximum efficiency and the filter needs changing or replacing less frequently.
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![JBL StartKit JBL StartKit]() | JBL StartKit is a 2 component aquarium start-up liquid. It enables you to bring fishes in a newly started aquarium after only 15 minutes. Tap water often contains heavy metals and sometimes chlorine which is harmful for fish and invertebrates.
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![Seachem Discus Buffer Seachem Discus Buffer]() | Seachem Discus Buffer helps to replicate the ideal Discus environment (low pH & low GH (General Hardness)). Seachem Discus Buffer will lower pH and keep it lowered. Discus Buffer also softens water by precipitating calcium and magnesium.
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![Seachem Clarity Seachem Clarity]() | Seachem Clarity is the ultimate clarifier for both fresh and saltwater. It employs an advanced polymeric flocculating agent that is both reef and plant safe. Seachem Clarity is the only clarifier on the market that does it all! Seachem Clarity will clear all types of clouding.
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![Seachem Neutral Regulator Seachem Neutral Regulator]() | Seachem Neutral Regulator adjusts pH to neutral (pH 7.0) from either a low or high pH and maintains it there. It softens water by precipitating calcium and magnesium while removing any chlorine, chloramine, and detoxifying ammonia. The use of Seachem Neutral Regulator makes other conditioning unnecessary.
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![Seachem Malawi/Victoria Buffer Seachem Malawi/Victoria Buffer]() | Seachem Malawi/Victoria Buffer is a blend of carbonate salts designed to enhance the natural environment of cichlids by increasing carbonate hardness, buffer capacity, and pH. It is formulated to maintain a pH of 7.8-8.4. Raises KH as well pH and will not affect GH.
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![Seachem Safe Seachem Safe]() | Seachem Safe is the complete and super-concentrated dry conditioner for both fresh and salt water. Safe removes chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Seachem Safe is non-acidic and will not impact pH.
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![Seachem AmGuard Seachem AmGuard]() | Seachem AmGuard safely, rapidly and ef?ciently detoxifies toxic free ammonia. Seachem AmGuard is safe to use during tank cycling and is ideal for treating emergency situations. Seachem AmGuard is the strongest liquid ammonia binder on the market.
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![Seachem Acid Regulator Seachem Acid Regulator]() | Seachem Acid Regulator adjusts pH to the acidic range (4.5-5.5) and softens water by precipitating calcium and magnesium. Seachem Acid Regulator supports the establishment of the optimal environment for all acid acclimated species (e.g. neons and other tetras, etc.).
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![Seachem Acid Buffer Seachem Acid Buffer]() | Seachem Acid Buffer is a non-phosphate buffer to lower pH and buffer with Seachem Alkaline Buffer. Both buffers are designed for the planted aquarium or for very hard water where phosphate buffers may pose an algae or cloudiness problem. Seachem Acid Buffer lowers pH and buffers between 6.0 and 8.0 when used with Seachem Alkaline Buffer.
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![Dennerle AquaRico BactoClean Bio Dennerle AquaRico BactoClean Bio]() | Dennerle AquaRico BactoClean Bio are effectively living cleansing bacteria for all fresh water aqauria.
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![Formel Preis Korall Formel Preis Korall]() | Formel Preis Korall is designed for use in all coral, Malawi and Tanganyika Lake aquariums. Formel Preis Korall delivers, on a calcium basis, the necessary carbon hardness regularly required by invertebrates and coral. The product eliminates excessive concentrations of trace elements and adds vital minerals.
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![PREIS Mineral-Komplex S PREIS Mineral-Komplex S]() | Preis Mineral-Komplex S is a mineral concentrate for sensitive invertebrates, soft and hard coral, and calciferious algae for the restoration of trace elements and minerals in seawater aquariums. For invertebrates and corals. Reef-forming hard coral and red calciferous algae receive strontium, selenium and calcium, while iodine assures a deep green coloring of all Caulerpa species and prevents the formation of goitres in fish.
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![Tropic Marin Bio-Strontium Tropic Marin Bio-Strontium]() | Tropic Marin Bio-Strontium is made for the biologically ideal strontium supplement in reef aquariums. A sufficient supply of strontium is as essential for the growth and well-being of reef building corals as calcium. In the reef aquarium, the strontium concentration can drop rapidly to low values due to biological processes, precipitation and incorporation into the limestone skeleton.
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![Tropic Marin Bio-Magnesium Tropic Marin Bio-Magnesium]() | Some corals and coralline algae use magnesium, in addition to calcium and strontium, in the formation of skeleton structure. The addition of Tropic Marin Bio-Magnesium to the marine aquarium restores the crucial magnesium/calcium ratio to ist natural saltwater concentrations, ensuring optimal skeletal growth. Tropic Marin Bio-Magnesium contains no phosphates and nitrates.
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![Tropic Marin Pro-Coral Mineral Tropic Marin Pro-Coral Mineral]() | Tropic Marin Pro-Coral Mineral are crystallized trace elements to stimulate growth and health of all invertebrates. In saltwater aquariums with a high invertebrate population, a lack of trace elements can lead to impaired growth and invertebrate deformities. Pro-Coral Mineral contains a concentrated form of all trace elements, including iodine and strontium, that are found in natural sea water.
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![Tropic Marin Bio-Magnesium Liquid 1000 ml Tropic Marin Bio-Magnesium Liquid 1000 ml]() | Tropic Marin Bio-Magnesium Liquid can be added to the tank water either directly or by a dosing pump. This creates a highly efficient magnesium supplementation to the aquarium while still maintaining the ionic balance. The same method of balanced magnesium supplementation has been proven effective by years of use of the powdered additive Bio-Magnesium from Tropic Marin.
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![Tropic Marin Cyo-Control Tropic Marin Cyo-Control]() | Tropic Marin Cyo-Control naturally blocks the recurrence of cyanobacteria in the aquarium. After the cyanobacteria have been removed manually, the probiotic bacteria of Tropic Marin Cyo-Control settle in their place. Once these bacteria have established themselves, they outcompete the cyanobacteria, preventing them from recolonizing the area.
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![Tropic Marin Triple-Buffer Tropic Marin Triple-Buffer]() | Alkalinität kleiner als 5° dH) geben Sie die empfohlene Menge Tropic Marin Triple-Buffer solange 1 x täglich zu, bis die gewünschten pH- bzw. Alkalinität-Werte erreicht sind.
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![Tropic Marin Re-Mineral Marine Tropic Marin Re-Mineral Marine]() | Essential minerals lost during reverse osmosis and de-ionising water treatments are returned to the water by Tropic Marin Re-Mineral Marine. It raises and stabilises the carbonate hardness and is also suitable for the preparation of tap water, which is too soft. Tropic Marin Re-Mineral Marine for sea water does not contains any other products and no natrium chloride.
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![Tropic Marin Pro-Cichlid Mineral Tropic Marin Pro-Cichlid Mineral]() | The composition of Tropic Marin Pro-Cichlid Mineral is based on scientific analyses of the waters of Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganjika and on extensive testing in aquarium applications. The pH value and the mineral content of the aquarium water will be increased and stabilised. The special mineral supply for fish from the Malawi and Tanganyika lakes will show off the glorious colours of the cichlids and by supplying biologically important trace substances promotes the general health of the fish.
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![Tropic Marin Amino Organic Tropic Marin Amino Organic]() | Tropic Marin Amino Organic stimulates coral growth, intensifies colouring and reduces phosphate in the reef aquarium biologically. Pale or brownish corals are often caused by too weak a concentration of easily digestible nitrogen compounds. Tropic Marin Amino-Organic contains amino acids and other organic nitrogen compounds that stimulate the growth of soft and hard corals, as well as disc anemones and zoanthids.
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![Tropic Marin Pro-Coral A- Elements Tropic Marin Pro-Coral A- Elements]() | Essential trace elements are minerals, which are needed in small amounts by the aquarium inhabitans for active biological processes. Tropic Marin Pro-Coral A- Elements provides these minerals in an optimized formula designed to replace depletion from the consumption by corals and invertebrates.
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![Tropic Marin Pro-Coral Iod Tropic Marin Pro-Coral Iod]() | Of all the trace elements found in natural sea water, iodine is associated with the widest range of effects. Iodine prevents goitre as an important component of the thyroid hormone. It also is essential for the hardening of the chitinous shell of crustaceans.
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![PREIS Nano-Starter-Kit PREIS Nano-Starter-Kit]() | The high-quality starter kit for newcomers to the world of marine aquariums. PREIS Nano Starter Kit contains all the vital elements of salt water required to set up a nano aquarium. All dosages are also given for nano aquariums, making tedious conversion superfluous.
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![Tetra pH/KH Plus Tetra pH/KH Plus]() | Tetra pH/KH Plus for the optimum adjustment of pH and carbonate hardness levels. TetraAqua pH/KH Plus allows the carbonate hardness and pH value to be precisely adjusted to planned or recommended levels. It is a very safe, reliable and simple application.
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![Tetra Bactozym 10 Kapseln Tetra Bactozym 10 Kapseln]() | Tetra Bactozym speeds up biological activity in the aquarium. Organic colloids naturally cover filter material and all surfaces with an invisible film to promote the colonisation of beneficial filter bacteria. This means that the first stock of fish can be added just 24 hours after setting up a new aquarium.
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![Tetra Biocoryn Bacteria Tetra Biocoryn Bacteria]() | Tetra Biocoryn Bacteria prevents accumulation of sludge, unpleasant odours and the formation of pollutants. The formula contains effective living cleaning bacteria, which accelerate the decomposition of organic material such as food and plant remains, as well as excrements. It promotes clear water in the longterm.
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![Tetra Water Care Plus Tetra Water Care Plus]() | Tetra Water Care Plus - The perfect solution for a healthy aquarium.
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![Tetra VitaMinPro 3in1 Tetra VitaMinPro 3in1]() | The innovative care formula of Tetra VitaMinPro 3in1 combines vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Additionally probiotics improve the water quality by reducing organic and nitrogenous waste to optimise the living conditions in your freshwater aquarium - for healthy ornamental fish, crustaceans, snails and plants equally. At the same time the around 2 billion probiotics per 100 ml are an essential part of the recipe.
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![Microbe-Lift Phosphate Remover Microbe-Lift Phosphate Remover]() | Microbe-Lift Phosphate Remover safely and quickly removes phosphate from fresh and salt water aquariums by binding the phosphate. Microbe-Lift Phosphate Remover significantly reduces phosphate and improves turbidity. When dosed correctly it will not affect pH or alkalinity.
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![Tropic Marin Coral Clean Tropic Marin Coral Clean]() | New corals often introduce unwanted organisms, parasites and/or impurities into the aquarium, which can endanger the old coral population. Tropic Marin Coral Clean reliably removes the most common epiphytes, parasites and impurities in an easy-to-use bath. The animals that fall off allow immediate monitoring of success that shows whether further baths are necessary.
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![Tropic Marin Elimi-Aiptas 50 ml Tropic Marin Elimi-Aiptas 50 ml]() | Aiptasia anemones get into the aquarium on live rock or newly purchased corals. Once in the aquarium they spread quickly and are difficult to remove mechanically. Corals and other sessile inhabitants get stung and killed by these pest anemones.
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![Tropical Ketapang Extract Tropical Ketapang Extract]() | Tropical Ketapang Extract is a sea almond leaves extract (Terminalia catappa) for establishing water conditions that facilitate breeding of ornamental fish and shrimps. Releases natural tannins and humic acids to create living conditions similar to those in which blackwater fish live. Prophylactic properties of sea almond leaves have been used in natural medicine for centuries.
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![Tropical Blacklarin Tropical Blacklarin]() | Tropical Blacklarin with peat extract for conditioning tap water intended for aquarium use. Recommended particularly for starting new tanks with blackwater environment, during water changes, quarantine and convalescence periods in these tanks (refers to popular neon tetras, tetras, other characins, angelfish, discus and South American dwarf cichlids etc.). It neutralises poisonous heavy metal salts.
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![Tropical Torfin Complex Tropical Torfin Complex]() | Tropical Torfin Complex is a high-grade peat extract intended for establishing water conditions that facilitate breeding and reproduction of ornamental fish. Releases natural tannins and humic acids to create living conditions similar to those in which blackwater fish live. The prophylactic properties of peat have been used in natural medicine for centuries.
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![Tropical Sanital plus Ketapang Tropical Sanital plus Ketapang]() | Tropical Sanital plus Ketapang is an aquarium salt with Ketapang leaves (Terminalia catappa) and oak bark extracts. Intended for conditioning of aquarium water for blackwater fish such as discus, angelfish, neon tetra etc., and brackish water fish. The addition of vitamin B1 alleviates stress, which is particularly important in case of numerous timid fish such as characins.
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![Tropical Sanital Aloe Vera Tropical Sanital Aloe Vera]() | Tropical Sanital Aloe Vera is a specially developed aquarium salt for prophylactic use and bath preparation for fish after transportation and during whole acclimatization period. Active substances facilitate recovery and treat fishs ionic disorders caused by unfavorable environmental factors. Aloe accelerates the regeneration of epidermis and stimulates the immunity system.
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![Tropical Ketapang -Catappa granules- Tropical Ketapang -Catappa granules-]() | Tropical Ketapang - sea almond leaves (Terminalia catappa) - is a natural, multi-purpose agent for improving the quality of aquarium water. It helps create optimal living conditions for fish by adding natural tannins and humic acids and slightly lowering pH level to make water biotope-correct for fish from softwater, acidic habitats. Note that sea almond leaves do not destroy essential and useful filtration bacteria the way medical preparations do.
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![Prodibio Reef Booster Prodibio Reef Booster]() | Prodibio Reef Booster is a complete nutrient supplement containing all the essentials for the development of invertebrates which basically or partially feed on micro-plankton including corals in which symbiotic algae - Zooxanthelles - live and for which a micro-plankton booster is necessary. Reef Booster contains very high concentrations of the polyunsaturated fatty acid groups which all marine organisms need. A few drops in the food of marine fish makes it more appetising - an effective solution when starting to feed difficult or recently imported fish.
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![Prodibio Bioptim Prodibio Bioptim]() | In the waste products of the aquarium, micro-organisms, that enable bacterial to digest optimally are often lacking. They have already been retained or eleminated during a previous biological transformation in the aquarium. Prodibio Bioptim provides bacteria with all the missing micro-nutrients: trace elements, selected amino acids, natural vitamins (Riboflavin) and surface agents from plants to faciliate absorption of the components by the cells.
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![Prodibio Iodi+ Prodibio Iodi+]() | Prodibio Iodi+ is an iodine/iodide compound that contains all the forms of iodine required for coral development and coloration. One ampoule of Iodi+ contains 76 mg of iodine. This allows you to control the quantity of Iodine you are adding in your tank.
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![Prodibio Stronti+ Prodibio Stronti+]() | Prodibio Stronti+ adds all the strontium needed for healthy growth of coral, clams, and limestone algae. Each ampoule contains 130 mg of strontium. This allows you to control the quantity of Iodine you are adding in your tank.
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![Tropic Marin Bio-Calcium Tropic Marin Bio-Calcium]() | Tropic Marin Bio-Calcium is the formula for healthy coral growth, Tropic Marin Bio-Calcium re-creates conditions in the aquarium equivalent to a natural reef. Only Carbon dioxide and calcium in the biologically ideal form are added to the water. In contrast to other calcium additives, the ion equilibrium is maintained with Tropic Marin Bio-Calcium.
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![PREIS Neospot Marin PREIS Neospot Marin]() | Sensitive coralfish often tend to develop skin irritation an the mucosa, fins, and gills. Most react sensitively when they are moved from one aquarium to another, and when they are first bought or imported. Preis Neospot Marin allows you to care for and clean these particular parts, even in the case of coral-invertebrate socialization.
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![PREIS Magnesium-Iodine concentrate PREIS Magnesium-Iodine concentrate]() | Magnesium is the second-largest component of sea-salt (after sodium chloride). The magnesium content of natural saltwater is about 1300 mg/l, which is considerably higher than the calcium content (only 400 mg/l). When adding minerals to saltwater aquaiums, it was mainly the calcium quantity that was taken into consideration.
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![PREIS Sodium bicarbonate PREIS Sodium bicarbonate]() | PREIS Sodium bicarbonate for the making of the Balling method. With the Balling method, which takes its name from Hans-Werner Balling, you can raise the level of calcium and the carbonate hardness (KH) of the marine water using two compounds: calcium chloride (CaCl2) and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3). The calcium and bicarbonate ions bond together, increasing the level of calcium and the carbonate hardness of the water.
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![amtra Proclean Food amtra Proclean Food]() | amtra Proclean Food is a balanced composition of carbon, macroelements and B vitamins that serve as a nutritional basis for the bacteria that form the aquarium's bio-filter mass. In freshwater and saltwater aquariums, biologically available carbon is important to ensure adequate nutrient supply to the bacteria responsible for the degradation of nitrate (NO3) and phosphate (PO4). Thanks to amtra Proclean Food, both the optimal COD/BOD5 ratio and the redox potential of the aquarium water are favorably influenced.
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![Dennerle Nano Catappa Leaves Dennerle Nano Catappa Leaves]() | Dennerle Nano Catappa Leaves are tropical almond leaves as natural water care and feed supplement.
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![Dennerle Nano Catappa Bark Dennerle Nano Catappa Bark]() | Dennerle Nano Catappa Bark -the tree bark of the tropical almond tree, for natural water care and decoration.
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![Easy-Life EasyNeo Easy-Life EasyNeo]() | Catching and transporting may damage or stress fish. This weakens the mucous membrane which is the primary protection of fish against diseases because it contains many antibodies. This makes fish more sensitive to spot diseases like Ichthyophthirius sp.
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![Easy-Life Catappa-Marine Easy-Life Catappa-Marine]() | Easy-Life Catappa-Marine are fluid Catappa leaves suitable for marine aquariums. Leaves from the Catappa tree are known for their healing effect on fish: they lower germ density (less pathogens), prevent fungal infections, improve growth, prevent problems with the slime coat and stimulate the vitality and colouring. Through a special procedure, ingredients from Catappa leaves are made suitable for marine aquariums.
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![amtra Pro Nature+ amtra Pro Nature+]() | amtra Pro Nature+ is the natural water conditioner that transforms tap water into biotope-appropriate tropical water. Our tap water is chemically clean and hygienically pure, but can be aggressive and thus incompatible for fish and plants in the aquarium. amtra Pro Nature+ gives the water back its natural properties.
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![Aqua Medic REEF LIFE Hydrocarbonat fine Aqua Medic REEF LIFE Hydrocarbonat fine]() | Aqua Medic REEF LIFE Hydrocarbonate is a natural product and consists of pure calcium carbonate -a chemical compound of the elements calcium, carbon and oxygen. In an aquarium calciumcarbonate is used in calcium reactors, calcite filters, bio filters and as substrate material in sea water and Malawi/Tanganyikan aquaria. A natural calciumcarbonic acid equilibrium is created in all aquaria with an alkaline ph value and in a calcium reactor supplied with CO2, the hydrocarbonate is completely dissolved to calbium bicarbonate.
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![Easy-Life Magnesium Easy-Life Magnesium]() | Easy-Life Magnesium is a strong and concentrated magnesium source for vibrant and healthy corals. The product is multiple stabilized. The optimal magnesium concentration in a marine aquarium is 1,250 - 1,400 mg per litre (ppm).
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![Easy-Life Jod Easy-Life Jod]() | Easy-Life Jood is a strong and concentrated iodate/iodide source for vibrant and healthy corals. The product is multiple stabilized. Iodine protects coral against UV radiation and forms a natural protection against all sorts of parasites.
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![PREIS Immun-Tonic S 30 ml PREIS Immun-Tonic S 30 ml]() | PREIS Immun-Tonic S is a immunization tonic for better acclimatization of newly accquired fish and imports. PREIS Immun-Tonic S for freshwater are a breakthrough product which are of great use to aquarium owners and importers when acclimatizing new fish. Due to the ease of use of this Immun-Tonic, you can prepare a quarantine bath for new acquisitions before accommodating them in your aquarium.
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![PREIS Discus Water Fit PREIS Discus Water Fit]() | PREIS Diskus-Wasser-Fit helps to create a faster biological equilibrium in your aquarium water. Its usage is ideal when changing water or for new installations. PREIS Discus Water Fit neutralizes aggressive materials and enriches the aquarium water with fish -appropriate bacterias.
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![PREIS Baktoplan Fresh 250 ml PREIS Baktoplan Fresh 250 ml]() | PREIS Baktoplan Fresh is a new kind of product for fresh water aquariums, that contains a larger number of special bacteria that establish themselves specifically in the filter or on surfaces in aquariums, for example on plants, the bottom and stones. These special bacteria of various strains such as Pseudomonas, Xanthomonas, Arthrobacter, Bacilluslicheni, Aormis and Micrococcus ensure that a biological lawn culture immediately grows, providing a stable biological structure for the filter.
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![Tropic Marin Original Balling Liquid Set 3x1000 ml Tropic Marin Original Balling Liquid Set 3x1000 ml]() | Tropic Marin Original Balling Liquid Set for an ionically balanced liquid supply of calcium using the Balling method. A balanced calcium dosage creates the best conditions for good growth of corals and coralline algae. Calcium, alkalinity and pH work together in the water to reach calcite saturation, which is essential for optimum growth of corals and coralline algae.
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![Tropic Marin Original Balling Refill Set Tropic Marin Original Balling Refill Set]() | Corals and other invertebrates use calcium from the seawater in which they live. While there is an inexhaustible supply of calcium in the ocean, in the marine aquarium, calcium and alkalinity are depleted quickly. To support the healthy, natural growth of corals, a balanced calcium supplementation is essential.
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![Aqua Medic REEF LIFE System Coral A Calcium Aqua Medic REEF LIFE System Coral A Calcium]() | Aqua Medic REEF LIFE System Coral is the complete solution for supplying reef aquaria with calcium and trace elements without ion shift. Aqua Medic REEF LIFE System Coral A Calcium si a highly concentrated calcium additive for enhanced coral growth. Provides optimum calcium content in the aquarium that can be maintained simply with REEF LIFE System Coral Calcium.
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![Aqua Medic REEF LIFE Iodine Aqua Medic REEF LIFE Iodine]() | Aqua Medic REEF LIFE Iodine is a 3 component iodine for healthy coral growth and bright colours. Aqua Medic REEF LIFE Iodine is an iodide additive especially developed for salt water aquaria. It supplies both fresh and salt water aquaria with iodide and organic and elementary iodine.
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![Aqua Medic REEF LIFE Strontium Aqua Medic REEF LIFE Strontium]() | Aqua Medic REEF LIFE Strontium contains strontium ions in a form that can be easily assimilated by all invertebrates. It is essential for the production and the maintenance of the skeleton of hard corals, the shells of reef mussels and calcareous algae. In the sea, the strontium concentration is about 8 mg/l.
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![Aqua Medic REEF LIFE System Coral C Trace Aqua Medic REEF LIFE System Coral C Trace]() | Aqua Medic REEF LIFE System Coral C Trace provides salt water aquaria with vital trace elements such as boron, chrome, cobalt, copper, fluoride, iron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc. Aqua Medic REEF LIFE System Coral C Trace does not contain any chelating agents.
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![Aqua Medic REEF LIFE Magnesium Aqua Medic REEF LIFE Magnesium]() | Aqua Medic REEF LIFE System Coral is the complete solution for supplying reef aquaria with calcium and trace elements without ion shift. Aqua Medic REEF LIFE Magnesiu for natural structure of skeleton of corals and calcareous algae. For regular supply of sea water aquaria with normal magnesium need.
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![Aqua Medic NO3 reduct Aqua Medic NO3 reduct]() | Aqua Medic NO3 reduct contains organic compounds that serve bacteria as an additional carbon source and thus stimulate greater reproduction. These bacteria are used by corals as food or are skimmed off. Previously absorbed nutrients disappear with them, so that the nitrate and phosphate content of the water gradually decreases.
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![Aqua Medic Tri Complex compact Aqua Medic Tri Complex compact]() | Aqua Medic Tri Complex compact supplies corals with dissolved calcium for the structure of skeleton as well as vital trace elements including strontium, fluorine and iodine and avoids ion shifts. In addition, the pH value is buffered at the optimum for calcium synthesis. It is really important that corals receive a balanced ratio of calcium and all vital trace elements.
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![Dennerle Nano Water Conditioner Dennerle Nano Water Conditioner]() | Feeding leads to a regular input of nutrients into every aquarium. As a result of excretion by the creatures living in the aquarium, over the course of time numerous waste substances and algae nutrients accumulate which even the best filter is unable to break down. Plant growth may start to flag, despite adequate fertilization.
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![Dennerle Nano Care Set Dennerle Nano Care Set]() | The Dennerle Nano Care Set contains the most important care products for nano aquaria in one set:Dennerle Nano Water Conditioner: Makes tap water safe for mini aquaria. Special protection formula for shrimps, crabs and crayfish+ neutralises dangerous chlorine immediately+ binds toxic heavy metals such as copper, zinc and lead+ adds natural bio-active ingredients and care substances+ 15 ml for 150 l of fresh water.
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![JBL Nano Biotopol Betta JBL Nano Biotopol Betta]() | Specially developed for very small aquarium, the Nano range by JBL meets the specific needs of nano aquariums and provides professional care to meet the particular needs of the inhabitants of the aquarium. Although in principle mini-aquariums are subject to the same laws of biology as their bigger brothers, the care of very small aquariums requires special attention. Due to the small volume of water, imbalances can very quickly arise, which can be avoided by the specially adapted care products and food range from the JBL Nano series.
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![JBL Nano Crusta JBL Nano Crusta]() | All invertebrates in freshwater aquariums (crayfish, shrimps, snails) need minerals to grow. Crustaceans regularly shed their skin shell because it does not grow. This moulting process is a very strenuous, dangerous time for the animals, as it leaves them unprotected and vulnerable.
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![JBL Nano Catappa JBL Nano Catappa]() | JBL Nano Catappa - Nano tropical almond leaves, natural water conditioner for Nano aquariums.
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![Microbe-Lift Corraline Algae Accelerator Microbe-Lift Corraline Algae Accelerator]() | Microbe-Lift Corraline Algae Accelerator - a single bottle, multipart approach to stimulating the growth of Coralline algae without promoting nuisance algae growth. Microbe-Lift Corraline Algae Accelerator contains fine powdered aragonite, liquid calcium, strontium, magnesium and iodide.
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![Sera filter biostart 50 ml Sera filter biostart 50 ml]() | Sera filter biostart is a high-performance product made from enzymes and microorganisms for speeding the biological breakdown of polluants (such as ammonium/ammonia) in freshwater aquariums. Sera filter biostart provides a reduction of organic matter, such as fish excrement and food leftovers. It also prevents the formation of unpleasant odors and promotes the biologicalequilibrium.
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![Easy-Life pH Buffer 500 ml Easy-Life pH Buffer 500 ml]() | Easy-Life pH Buffer is a strong and concentrated blend to raise the KH and stabilize the pH at the correct level.
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![Preis Iodine 50 ml Preis Iodine 50 ml]() | Preis Jod is a ideal complement to the Balling method. Preis Jod stimulates coral growth and improves the colours. Supports the development of the exoskeleton in crustaceans and corrects thyroid deficiency in fish.
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![sera marin component 3 trace elements Anionics sera marin component 3 trace elements Anionics]() | sera marin component 3 trace elements Anionics provides important trace elements as required daily. In combination with sera marin component 4 it optimizes the supply of corals and other invertebrates with trace elements.
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![sera marin component 6 magnesium sera marin component 6 magnesium]() | sera marin component 6 magnesium contains important Magnesium. Magnesium and Calcium must be present in a balanced ratio for the optimal growth of corals and other invertebrates. The Magnesium level should not be below 1,300 mg/l (ppm).
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![ZooBest Pharma 4 Water Clarifier ZooBest Pharma 4 Water Clarifier]() | Muddy water or green algaes very often consist of particles that are too small to be filtered. By using Pharma 4 larger particles are formed which can be filtered of. ZooBest Pharma 4 results in clear and unpolluted water.
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![hw Miratip hw Miratip]() | hw Miratip supplies all the trace elements with a positive effect that are consumed by metabolic processes in the sea water aquarium. The water will immediately appear clearer, following the addition of hw-miratip. The natural colours are highly developed.Dosage: 1 ml miratip on 10 l aquarium water every 14 days.
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![hw Hydrokoll hw Hydrokoll]() | hw Hydrokoll counteracts poisoning caused in sea water aquariums by heavy metals, phenols and bacterial toxins and makes these substances ascertainable to the protein skimmer. Hw Hydrokoll removes the irritating effect from fresh sea water and protects the animals against infection in the case of wounds.Dosage hw Hydrokoll: First-dosage 5 ml hw Hydrokoll on ever 10 l of aquarium water. After-dosage 2 ml on ever 10 l aquarium water every 14 days.
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![Prodibio Bio Clean Freshwater Prodibio Bio Clean Freshwater]() | Prodibio Bio Clean cleans algae from aquariums biologically and naturally by combining the power of Bio Digest and the revitalising effect of Bio Trace. The package contains ampoules of Bio Digest and Bio Trace. Bio Trace combined with Bio Digest revitalises the aquarium, restores vigour and health to both fresh and salt water.
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![Prodibio Bio Kit Reef Prodibio Bio Kit Reef]() | Prodibio Bio Kit Reef combienes in one pack all of Prodibios products to care for your reef tank.
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![PREIS Organ Planer Sea PREIS Organ Planer Sea]() | Preis Organ Planer See is a finely tuned combination of active substances that has been proven in prolonged laboratory tests. The product is continually being improved. Once Preis Organ Planer See is added to aquarium water, heavy metals are immediately transformed into organic complexes and rendered harmless.
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![PREIS Magnesium Sulphate Heptahydrate 500 g PREIS Magnesium Sulphate Heptahydrate 500 g]() | PREIS Magnesium sulphate heptahydrate is for adding magnesium to sea water. After sodium chloride, magnesium has a higher concentration in natural sea water than any other substance. The magnesium content must often be increased, as shortfalls in the content can arise for various reasons.
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![PREIS Calcium Fluid PREIS Calcium Fluid]() | With these 3 fluids you have a very effective and simple way to add Calcium, Magnesium and Carbonate hardness to your aquarium. The liquid stock solution based on the Hans Werner Balling method makes mixing, weighing and the preparation of single components obsolete. The canisters are ready and can be added manually as well as with the help of a dosing system.
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![Sera marin bio reefclear Sera marin bio reefclear]() | sera marin bio reefclear, a sera biotechnology product for saltwater aquariums, breaks down ammonium and nitrite due to the purification bacteria it contains. The included mineralic volcanic rock removes pollutants, effectively binds turbidities and provides settling space for the purification bacteria. For healthy, clear and biologically active water.
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![Tetra pH/KH Minus Tetra pH/KH Minus]() | Tetra pH/KH Minus for the controlled reduction of pH and carbonate hardness levels. Precise adjustment of the carbonate hardness and regulating the pH value on a long-term basis. TetraAqua pH/KH Minus is a very safe and simple application. available soon | |
![Seachem Discus Trace Seachem Discus Trace]() | Seachem Discus Trace supplies a broad range of trace elements demonstrated to be necessary for proper ?sh health and growth. Unlike terrestrial animals, fish obtain nutrients from both their food and environment. Trace elements are normally depleted by utilization, oxidation and precipitation, thus it is important to restore them on a regular basis. available soon | |
![Seachem Cichlid Trace Seachem Cichlid Trace]() | Seachem Cichlid Trace supplies a broad range of trace elements demonstrated* to be necessary for proper ?sh health and growth. Unlike terrestrial animals, fish obtain nutrients from both their food and environment. Trace elements are normally depleted by utilization, oxidation and precipitation, thus it is important to restore them on a regular basis. available soon | |
![Seachem Digital Spoon Scale 300g Seachem Digital Spoon Scale 300g]() | With the digital spoon scale from Seachem the exact dosage of chemicals, feed additives or salts becomes very easy. When precision matters, the Seachem Digital Spoon Scale is the perfect companion tool for the serious aquarist. Accurate and easy to use, it will ensure precise dosing of any chemical or supplement. available soon | |
![Aqua Medic REEF LIFE System Coral B KH Buffer Aqua Medic REEF LIFE System Coral B KH Buffer]() | Aqua Medic REEF LIFE System Coral is the complete solution for supplying reef aquaria with calcium and trace elements without ion shift. Aqua Medic REEF LIFE System Coral B KH Buffer is a carbonate buffer stabilizes the pH value for a healthy aquarium. Aqua Medic REEF LIFE System Coral B KH Buffer for increasing the alkalinity of the aquarium water. available soon | |
![amtra Care -Water Conditioner- amtra Care -Water Conditioner-]() | amtra Care transforms tap water into healthy aquarium water. amtra Care neutralizes chlorine, binds toxic heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, copper and zinc. The gills and mucous membranes of the fish are protected by natural protective colloids. available soon | |
![amtra Clean -Pollutant Remover- amtra Clean -Pollutant Remover-]() | amtra Clean ensures biological degradation of pollutants and thus saves up to 50% water changes. Natural microorganisms create clear, healthy, biologically active aquarium water. amtra Clean eliminates ammonia and nitrite, reduces nitrate and neutralizes food residues. available soon | |