| Hobby-Mikrozell is given to the artemia nauplies 8-10 days after slipping in place of Liquizell as permanent, adequate raising fodder. The conversion is simple, since Mikrozell contains the same substances as Liquizell. Hobby Mikrozell can be fed the artemia over the entire lifetime.
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 | sera Raffy Baby-Gran Nature is the rearing food without dyes and preservatives consisting of carefully manufactured granules for young carnivorous reptiles such as small terrapins. The easily digestible composition is rich in aquatic protein, omega fatty acids, vitamins, carotenoids, minerals and trace elements. It contains 4% insect meal as a high quality protein source which is particularly resource saving.
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 | Preis Microplan is a all-purpose nutrient solution for raising plankton cultures, Artemia salina, invertebrates, seawater and freshwater fish. PREIS Microplan, the starter feed for the raising of (oviparous) freshwater fish and the high-quality feed for all invertebrates, contains all nutrients and essential substances required for optimal growth. Corals need PREIS Microplan with all amino acids and vital substances 1-2 x per week.
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 | Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food forte XXL in the grain size 2.8 - 3.2 mm for all fish from approx. 15 cm.
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 | Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food Baby + Nano S is a fine granulated food (no „powder“) for fish larvae, juvenile fish, nano-aquarium fish (e. g.
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 | Discusfood Breeder Starter Food 1 is a rearing food for all young discus fish with a size of approx. 1 to 3 cm. The soft granulate is very nutritious and contains many vitamins and nutrients that the young discus need to grow.
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 | For easy feeding of the fry with live infusoria such as ciliates, paramecia, slipper animalcule, euglenoids and protozoa. Hobby Protogen Is a concentrate grown on fertile soil with dried infusoria of varying sizes, which, in conjunction with water and the fertile soil contained in the Protogen, come to life again within a very short time and continue to develop. The aquarist is therefore in a position to feed the fry without difficulty.
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 | JBL ProNovo Malawi Flakes M are aquarium staple food flakes for growth-feeding cichlids from Lake Tanganyika & Malawi from 8-20 cm length. In the Rift Valley lakes of East Africa (Lakes Malawi and Tanganyika), many cichlids have adapted to graze the algae growth from the rocks for the microorganisms living in them (herbivorous growth eaters). JBL ProNovo Malawi was developed for these species.
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 | JBL ProNovo Bel Fluid is a liquid rearing food for young egg-laying aquarium fish. The composition of the ideal rearing feed for young fish depends on many factors. The juvenile fish are growing and need important nutrients for their development.
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 | Discusfood Wels Spezial Soft is a main food granulate which is very popular with many catfish species. It has also proven itself in catfish breeding, as it does not swell in the stomach of the young catfish and thus does not cause any losses due to constipation. Furthermore all important nutrients for a healthy growth are contained in the Discusfood catfish special soft granules and therefore suitable as a complete food.
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 | Discusfood Artemia 50% Softgranulate is a raising staple food granulate for all freshwater and marine ornamental fish. The softening prevents the granulate from swelling in the aquarium water or in the digestive tract of the fish and at the same time increases the acceptance of the feed. With an average grain size of less than 0.5 mm, this complete food is ideal for the efficient breeding of fish larvae and young animals and can help even the smallest representatives, such as larvae of Bettas or Corydoras, to become “large and strong”.
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 | Dennerle CrustaGran Baby is a sinking special feed tailored to the needs of fresh water shrimps and dwarf crayfish. Dennerle CrustaGran contains high-quality proteins from aquatic animals and a high percentage (20%) of valuable algae - Chlorella, Dunaliella, Ascophyllum and 10% Spirulina - for balanced growth and problem-free moulting. Vital vitamins provide for vitality and strengthen resistance to diseases.
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 | Dennerle Shrimp King Baby is a premium rearing feed for shrimps. Sinking, water-stable micro-granules consisting of 100% natural ingredients. For daily feeding, for all larval stages.
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 | JBL NovoBaby Complete rearing feed set for guppies and other live-bearing species consisting of three carefully balanced sizes of flakes or particles. Also suitable for rearing other young fry the size of a new-born guppy i.e. cichlids etc. available soon | |