natural herbal food without dyes and preservatives from 2.89 €* |
chips for rasping Ancistrus and plecos from 3.29 €* |
granulate staple food for ornamental fish from 2.79 €* |
Food tablets for catfish and loaches from 2.89 €* |
staple food for all discus from 4.29 €* |
food for bottom-feeding fish from 2.79 €* |
Staple food for all ornamental fish from 2.79 €* |
new with BioActive Formula from 7.69 €* |
complet food for ornamental fish, grain size 0.5-0.8 mm from 4.49 €* |
complet food for ornamental fish, grain size 0.8-1.2 mm from 4.49 €* |
complet food for ornamental fish, grain size 1.2-1.6 mm from 4.49 €* |
complet food for ornamental fish, grain size 2.8-3.2 mm from 7.39 €* |
staple food for all ornamental fish 14.85 €* |
special food granulate with high krill content from 9.85 €* |
Staple food chips with 4% insect meal from 3.19 €* |
Fine granules with natural astaxanthin for Betta from 2.29 €* |
Insect food with 100% protein from a sustainable source from 2.39 €* |
coloure-enhancing, high-protein flakes for discus fish from 4.89 €* |
colour-enhancing sinking granules for discus from 3.19 €* |
high-protein food enhancing growth of young discus from 3.95 €* |
multi-ingredient, special food for wild-caught fish from 5.99 €* |
special food for red Discus from 3.59 €* |
Basic food sticks for larger cichlids from 4.45 €* |
multi-ingredient flake food for Malawi cichlids from 4.59 €* |
multi-ingredient food chips for Malawi cichlids from 7.39 €* |
multi-ingredient food flakes for cichlids from Lake Tanganyika from 4.59 €* |
multi-ingredient chips for large cichlids from Lake Tanganyika from 6.85 €* |
colour-enhancig food for Red Parrots from 4.95 €* |
colour-enhancing food for Flowerhorn and other Cichlids from 4.89 €* |
colour-enhancing food for Flowerhorn and other Cichlids from 6.59 €* |
special food with green and red sinking wafers from 1.29 €* |
for axolotls and other aquatic amphibians 5.85 €* |
wafers with spirulina, kelp algae and Ketapang leaves from 3.99 €* |
food with Spirulina and oak wood for Loricariidae from 5.59 €* |
multi-ingredient, granulated catfish food from 3.89 €* |
main food for large carnivorous fish from 9.85 €* |
large, sinking food discs for carnivorous fish from 11.85 €* |
food with algae for pleco fish & shrimps from 6.85 €* |
large siking discs for herbivorous fish from 11.85 €* |
for increased resistance to disease from 7.69 €* |
4 premium crisps for all tropical fish 9.39 €* |
food flakes with 36% Spirulina from 6.85 €* |
special food for fresh and marine water fish from 6.85 €* |
fine special food for fresh and marine water fish from 6.85 €* |
special food chips for fresh and marine water fish from 5.85 €* |
special food tablets for fresh and marine water fish from 5.85 €* |
food flakes with Spirulina for fresh and marine water from 3.59 €* |
food granules with Spirulina for fresh and marine water from 3.95 €* |
natural color food without dyes and preservatives from 2.89 €* |
liquid multi-vitamin-preparation from 5.59 €* |
freeze dryed naturally food from 3.39 €* |
staple food with 10% spirulina for larger herbivorous from 12.69 €* |
staple food for large carnivores from 12.69 €* |
vitality ensuring and colour enhancing food from 2.89 €* |
highly nutritious, colour-enhancing granulated food from 3.59 €* |
highly nutritious, colour-enhancing food tablets from 4.49 €* |
natural treat without dyes and preservatives from 2.89 €* |
goldfish food without dyes and preservatives from 1.95 €* |
Bottom & attaching tablets for bigger catfish from 8.39 €* |
Color Food for all discus fish from 7.19 €* |
Growth food for discus with probiotics from 3.69 €* |
naturally staple food for all discus fish from 3.49 €* |
Staple food for all ornamental fish from 3.99 €* |
mainfood for larger fishes 12.59 €* |
for healthy and extra energy from 3.59 €* |
Main food granules for large discus from 6.99 €* |
for the daily feeding of adult discus from 5.59 €* |
color enhanced main food for discus from 6.85 €* |
with freshwater algae chlorella, grain size 0.5-0.8 mm from 4.99 €* |
with freshwater algae chlorella, grain size 0.8-1.2 mm from 4.89 €* |