Bassleer Biofish Food forte XXL, jyväkoko 2,8 - 3,2 mm kaikille kaloille n. Syötä kaloja useita kertoja päivässä vain sillä määrällä ruokaa, jonka kala pystyy syömään muutamassa minuutissa. Raakaproteiini: 54 %.
Actual product may vary from the image shown.
Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food forte XXL, jyväkoko 2,8 - 3,2 mm kaikille kaloille n. 15 cm. Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food -valkosipuli sisältää luonnollista valkosipulia. Se on suosittu ruoka myös koristekalojen kanssa, jotka ovat sairastuneet ja kärsivät usein ruokahaluttomuudesta. Valkosipuli sisältää luonnollisena vaikuttavana aineena allisiinia, erittäin suuren osuuden mangaania ja B6-vitamiinia ja on erittäin runsas hivenaineiden (seleeni, jodigermanium jne .) ja entsyymien lähde. Arvokkaiden ainesosien hoitamiseksi otetaan vain luonnongalicia (ei rakeita), joka lisätään rakeistusprosessin jälkeen ruokaan.
Suositeltu ruokinta Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food valkosipulille XXL:
Syötä kaloja useita kertoja päivässä vain sillä määrällä ruokaa, jonka kala pystyy syömään muutamassa minuutissa.Analyysi:
Raakaproteiini: 54 %
Raakarasvaa: 16 %
Raakakuitu: 4 %
raakatuhka: 10 %
Vesi: 6 %Lisäaineet:
A-vitamiini: 17000 IE/kg
D3-vitamiini: 3000 IE/kg
E-vitamiini: 400 mg/kg
C-vitamiini: 300 mg/kg -
Arvostelut Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food garlic XXL:
Write a reviewAndreas W. at 07.03.2018:
I recently invested in some Dr.Bassleer products, and boy, does my goldfish love this stuff!
The garlic flavour was an instant hit, and I now rotate between different Dr. Bassleer flavours for each feeding.
The xxl pellets are of a decent size for bigger fish, yet also small enough for the not so big fish. They are a little hard and takes some time to soften in the water, so the fish get to suck and enjoy it for a little longer than other brands I've tried, and thus it leaves less leftovers in the water, as the fish have time to eat it all before it dissolves.
I've noticed an increase in appetite and vigour in my fish after introducing Dr.Bassleer foods, and I recommend it to any fish owner.
Warning: your fish will get garlic breath with this food ^^.
The Garlic can give off some smell in the water if used over a longer period, and is officially meant for fish who are sick, but it works great as a supplement to other more standard flavours, as a treat on occasion, and to keep your fish healthy.
- Andreas W. wrote about Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food garlic XXL in 2018:
I recently invested in some Dr.Bassleer products, and boy, does my goldfish love this stuff!
The garlic flavour was an instant hit, and I now rotate between different Dr. Bassleer flavours for each feeding.
The xxl pellets are of a decent size for bigger fish, yet also small enough for the not so big fish. They are a little hard and takes some time to soften in the water, so the fish get to suck and enjoy it for a little longer than other brands I've tried, and thus it leaves less leftovers in the water, as the fish have time to eat it all before it dissolves.
I've noticed an increase in appetite and vigour in my fish after introducing Dr.Bassleer foods, and I recommend it to any fish owner.
Warning: your fish will get garlic breath with this food ^^.
The Garlic can give off some smell in the water if used over a longer period, and is officially meant for fish who are sick, but it works great as a supplement to other more standard flavours, as a treat ...